Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Custom Illustration, Branding and Web Design

Well, the month of August is an absolute blur to me ... it's been so busy and hectic - with relocating, still feeling slightly homesick, plus unpacking the last of the umpteen boxes and setting up shop (not to mention oversleeping from complete and utter exhaustion on nearly a daily basis, lol).

In the midst of it all, I'm juggling four of the nicest new clients with really creative projects... the first is a custom eclectic clothing boutique, which will feature a gorgeous retro silhouette character brand, the second is logo branding and web design for a wedding planner, the third is a custom look-alike character illustration of a business owner with her dog, complete with boutique interior and web design, and last is custom multiple look-alike character illustrations for a new business team. Stay tuned, I can hardly wait to showcase these new designs just as soon as I have a minute to catch up!