Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Custom Crocheted Baby Skirt, Beanine and Booties

Custom Crocheted Cupcake Skirt with Matching Beanie and Booties
Funny thing happened at the post office yesterday... I was there to ship a crocheted tutu skirt for a customer when the clerk asked me what was in the package. When I told her, she said her daughter is pregnant, due in February, and the baby shower is this month. Long story short, after visiting Tallulah Rae, she wanted a baby crochet set and above is a custom newborn skirt with matching beanie and sneaker-style booties I whipped up this morning for her in her choice of colors - chocolate and vanilla (she said her daughter loves cupcakes, so I mixed in "peanut butter" and added "cherries", too!)Yummy!